Collaboration and Communities
Museum Ethnographers' Group annual
conference 2014
Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 April 2014
University of Aberdeen
Museums now embrace opportunities to
work with a range of communities and to develop a variety of partnerships.
Recent research has also re-conceptualised the relationships between objects
and between objects and people. This conference will explore how museum
collections can inspire and benefit from a range of collaborations, and the
opportunities brought by different disciplinary perspectives. Issues to be
considered could include:
What are the
results of the ways that collections are understood, curated and interpreted
What are the
different ways in which different disciplines engage with communities - and
what can be learned from them?
Can the
'relational museum' offer ways of reconceptualising relationships with
How can these
specialisms collaborate and increase the uses of collections?
How can collaborations
help rejuvenate and develop collections without specialist curators?
partnerships with originating communities benefit other communities?
A 'work in progress' session is also
planned for up-to-date information on current and on-going projects; this may relate
to any field of museum ethnography not just this year's conference theme
(informal 5-10 minute presentations are required).
Papers from the conference may be
considered for publication in the Journal of Museum Ethnography published
annually by the Group.
For further information or to propose
papers or sessions contact:
Neil Curtis, King’s Museum, University of Aberdeen, Old Aberdeen Town House,
High Street, Aberdeen AB24 3EN, Scotland
Tel: [+44] [0]1224 274304
The closing date for submissions and
abstracts is Monday 6 January 2014.